Surgery for the Colon & Rectum
- Surgery for Benign and Cancer conditions
- Endolaparoscopic surgery
- Laparoscopic (“Key-hole”) colectomy
- Laparoscopic low anterior resection
- Robotic-assisted colectomy
- Robotic-assisted low anterior resection
- Transanal excision
- Transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS)
- Transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME)
- Traditional open surgery
Diagnostic & Therapeutic Endoscopy (Gastroscopy & Colonoscopy)
- Screening endoscopy
- Simple Polyp removal
- Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR)
- Colonic Stenting
Proctology Surgery
- Anal fistula
- Fistulotomy
- Seton insertion
- Endorectal advancement flap
- Fibrin glue injection
- Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract (LIFT)
- Anal fissures
- Fissurectomy
- Botox injection
- Lateral internal sphincterotomy
- Anal, Ischiorectal, Perianal abscess
- Haemorrhoids / Piles
- Piles band ligation
- Haemorrhoid Energy Therapy (HET)
- Conventional haemorrhoidectomy
- Transanal Haemorrhoidal Dearterialization (THD)
- Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy (PPH)
- Rectal Prolapse
- Derlome procedure (Transanal mucosal sleeve resection)
- Altemeier procedure (Transanal proctosigmoidectomy)
- Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy
- Pilonidal Disease Surgery
- Incision & drainage of pilonidal abscess
- Cleft lift procedure
- Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)